Sunday, July 21, 2013

Somalisa Camp
Hwange National Park


Super Impala!

Helmeted Guinea Fowl


Our first up-close encounter with an elephant

The first of many Giraffes

Amazing tusks!

Kudu Cow

Vervet  Monkey


Sundowners, an important African Safari custom.

Our first African sunset

1 comment:

  1. Excellent! But I have some questions about the picture of Kitty:

    1. Shouldn't the caption be, "Love! And Sundowners...?" and the caption on the photo above it be, "Grooming!" :-)

    2. Why doesn't Kitty get a window seat rather than a middle seat?

    3. Was she afraid to leave the vehicle due to the proximity of large wildlife?

    4. Or was she disinclined to leave the vehicle due to the proximity of the Sundowners?

    But seriously, these pictures are great. The last picture is so beautiful. It reminds me of the songs "Shall We Gather at the River?", or "Down to the River to Pray", or "Shall We Gather at a Watering Hole So Shallow that We Can Tell If Any Predators are in It?"

    "Down to the River to Pray"

    May you continue to enjoy a fun and safe trip.
